2024 Scholarship Opportunities
Ronald Reagan once said that “Education is like a diamond with many facets: It includes the basic mastery of numbers and letters that give us access to the treasury of human knowledge, accumulated and refined through the ages; it includes technical and vocational training as well as instruction in science, higher mathematics, and humane letters.” At Vigilante Electric Cooperative (VEC), we could not agree more, because this is who we are as an organization.
If you were to look at the individuals that make up our team, each of us r has a unique background, work experience and education. In fact, we have the elements in the above quote covered. This uniqueness and diversity are why we are such an effective team.
As part of our ongoing commitment to our membership and our communities, VEC provides educational opportunities for students that are the dependents of members. For the 2023-24 school year, we will again be offering our Leadership Award and be the portal for the MECA Memorial Scholarship.
The VEC Leadership Award is a scholarship opportunity for students who not only excel in the classroom, but in their communities. This year, we will provide qualified applicants planning to attend a college or trade school with a $500 scholarship.
To qualify, applicants must receive their power from VEC, be a high school senior or college undergraduate, complete an application, and submit a brief narrative on what they plan to study and why. Past recipients of the VEC Leadership Award are not eligible.
We would like to emphasize one crucial point: our scholarship is good for a variety of post-secondary educational opportunities, especially in trade schools. Many trades are compensated very well, and skilled trade workers are in great demand.
Montana Electric Cooperative Association (MECA) is VEC’s statewide association. MECA’s Memorial Scholarship is an opportunity to win one of four $500 scholarships. This opportunity is available statewide, with one scholarship available for each of the four designated regions in the state.
One application from VEC’s service territory will be selected for consideration for the MECA Memorial Scholarship. Applicants must receive their power from VEC and be planning to continue their education. The specific requirements are outlined in the application.
The guidelines for both scholarships are available at area high schools and following links. Please note that all elements of the application must be completed for consideration. The deadline for both applications is January 26, 2024.